I hope you will get benefit from the opportunities below for master, PhD and Postdoc Positions around the world. You can share with friends.
Thanks Mr. Faizan Khan for collecting the precious links from different resources. Note: Some of the deadlines are over. 1.Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroimaging http://bit.ly/2KZYknc 2.Doctoral Candidate in Applied Algebraic Geometry http://bit.ly/2G5FiNE 3.PostDoc or Phd Candidate position in Human Neuroscience in Aalto University http://bit.ly/2L0SUs8 4.Doctoral Candidate in the field of electrochemical energy storage (redox flow batteries) http://bit.ly/2L3GorM 5.Visiting Researcher in Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (unfunded position) http://bit.ly/2Ea8lg6 6.Postdoctoral Researcher in Timber Engineering http://bit.ly/2G24YdS 7.Doctoral Candidate in Numerical Modelling of Thermal Radiation in Fires http://bit.ly/2Ea9dkS 8.Four doctoral candidates at department of Arts, Alto University http://bit.ly/2BVSVLh 9.Doctoral Candidate in Numerical Simulation of Fire Spreading on Electrical Cables http://bit.ly/2SBnHhZ 10.Postdoctoral Researcher position in Speech Processing http://bit.ly/2rlH3Mq 11.Doctoral candidate in Adsorbents for Water and Wastewater Treatment http://bit.ly/2E5FPMM 12.Doctoral Candidate in Integrated Circuit Design http://bit.ly/2rpWovx 13.Open positions for two doctoral student candidates in Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture http://bit.ly/2AXW63l 14.Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning http://bit.ly/2rmKe6s 15.Post-doctoral positions in computational and theoretical physics http://bit.ly/2rrANmq 16.Postdoctoral Researcher in the area of AI-powered mixed reality http://bit.ly/2rs8l3v 17.Postdoctoral Researcher in Connected and Automated Vehicles and Smart Mobility http://bit.ly/2PnBaI1 18.Doctoral Candidate in Millimeter-wave Integrated Circuits and Systems http://bit.ly/2PqahDh 19.Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT - Deep Learning for Chatbots http://bit.ly/2Sy5bqB 20.PhD Research Fellow in school development, evaluation, and assessment http://bit.ly/2E6Lt15 21.PhD Research Fellow in Renewable Energy http://bit.ly/2SsTeCo 22.Two PhD Research Fellows in ICT http://bit.ly/2BXiaN9 23.Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT http://bit.ly/2QHPq2U 24.Aston PhD Studentship: NGO Applied Management Research and Teaching Unit https://jobs.aston.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=R180487 25.EPRSC PhD Studentship at the Operations and Information Management Department http://bit.ly/2AYBSGt 26.ESRC PhD Studentships (Midlands Graduate School) http://bit.ly/2zNZD4u 27.PhD Studentship - Evaluating novel bioactive materials for bone cancer treatment http://bit.ly/2BXRY5b 28.PhD Studentship - Fast Interconnection with FIbre lasers http://bit.ly/2EfwGlC 29.PhD Studentship - Optical Phase Conjugation Based Optical Networks http://bit.ly/2L5sF44 30.PhD Studentship - Optical Phase Conjugation Transmission Systems http://bit.ly/2UpYmJu 31.PhD Studentship - Waste Plastics Derived Bitumen (w-Bitumen) http://bit.ly/2Qygfqz 32.PhD Studentship - Characterisation of the Gut Microbiome in Dogs and Cats http://bit.ly/2Uq9mq5 33.PhD Studentship - Development of a new strategy for sustained release of ocular drugs based on patients and health professional’s acceptance http://bit.ly/2PqbnPm 34.PhD Studentship - Discovering new drugs for Mycobacterium abscessus infections in children http://bit.ly/2zLmjCe 35.PhD Studentship - The Gambling Harms Paradox: Are people from lower SES groups more likely to suffer harmful consequences than people from higher SES groups despite equivalent exposure? http://bit.ly/2L1QeKY 36.PhD position in Statistical Seismology https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6713/pub/1/index.html 37.Post-doctoral position 100% - technologies for gaseous pollutants https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6719/pub/1/index.html 38.PhD fellowship in immunology at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology http://bit.ly/2E7Z9co 39.PhD position in the research group of Experimental and Clinical Oncology http://bit.ly/2zGK4LR 40.2 doctoral positions in the Doctoral Program in History and Theory of Architecture https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6714/pub/1/index.html 41.Postdoc in Bioinformatics, Environmental Epigenetics, for Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research http://bit.ly/2Ghhjez 42.Post-doc position in Animal Ethology and Welfare https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6706/pub/1/index.html 43.PhD fellow in Geography http://bit.ly/2Uj4OC5 44.PhD student to the project Deciphering the link between adhesion and pluripotency http://bit.ly/2SALYok 45.PhD position - Photovoltaic and hybrid solar components for buildings optimized for the aesthetics and the performance. http://bit.ly/2QAhfuf 46.Ph.d. opslag Protein based Organic and Medicinal Chemistry 2019 http://bit.ly/2SwtHbz 47.PhD in Physical Chemistry with focus on perovskite solar cells for conversion of solar energy to electricity http://bit.ly/2StHi3o 48.PhD position - Spintronic Wake-Up Radio http://bit.ly/2Eia9oo 49.PhD position - 3D Thermomechanical Modeling of Printed Circuit Boards http://bit.ly/2Sy4fm5 50.PhD position - Technology and physics of devices for the large-scale fabrication of Si-CMOS process based qubits http://bit.ly/2QExSou 51.PhD position - field effect nanoionic synaptic transistors for neuromorphic applications http://bit.ly/2RI5VcS 52.PhD position - Hyperspectral microscopy and single-shot optical coherence tomography with a static Fourier transform imaging spectrometer http://bit.ly/2SCr8oF 53.PhD position - Electronic packaging by cold spray metallic encapsulation http://bit.ly/2AXZQBW 54.PhD position - Massively parallel in-memory computing architecture http://bit.ly/2UomQmj 55.PhD Position for Synthetic Biology-Inspired Therapies https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6743/pub/1/index.html 56.PhD fellow in Chemical Biology http://bit.ly/2G2aqNK 57.PhD fellow in Coordination Chemistry/Magnetochemistry http://bit.ly/2AXff5d 58.PhD fellow within life cycle assessment of technologies to close nutrient cycles and decrease environmental impacts of agricultural production http://bit.ly/2BVmkVA 59.Postdoc within soil fertility and modelling of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in European agroecosystems http://bit.ly/2E6PLFM 60.Postdoc in Integrative Physiology and Proteomics http://bit.ly/2E8nSwX 61.Research Assistants / PhD Students in Computational Science (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6677/pub/1/index.html 62.Graduate Students in Superconducting Quantum Computing https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6739/pub/1/index.html 63.Postdoctoral Research Scientists in Superconducting Quantum Computing https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6738/pub/1/index.html 64.Postdoctoral Fellowship: Braiding Majoranas at the Center for Quantum Devices http://bit.ly/2Qlsl75 65.PhD fellow in single molecule biophysics http://bit.ly/2QH5eDk 66.PhD position in spinal implant design https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/type:job/jobID:239509/?where=26 67.Up to ten PhD positions in Economics https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/type:job/jobID:238863/?where=26 68.Postdoctoral Position in Spatial Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6726/pub/1/index.html 69.Post-Doctoral Researcher - Thermal Food Processing https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6727/pub/1/index.html 70.Microsoft Quantum Postdoctoral Fellowship in experimental quantum information at Microsoft Quantum Copenhagen and the Center for Quantum Devices http://bit.ly/2L3EEid 71.PhD position in the development of bioceramic materials for spinal implants https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/type:job/jobID:239159/?where=26 72.PhD student (100%) starting April 1, 2019, for studying chemical reactions in the presence of lipid vesicles https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6753/pub/1/index.html 73.PhD position for the development of organic electrode materials for environmentally friendly rechargeable batteries http://bit.ly/2B1pZiW 74.At least five PhD positions at the Department of Theology http://bit.ly/2G7OZuP 75.Postdoctoral Fellow to be employed at PSI https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6747/pub/1/index.html 76.PhD fellow in Condensed Matter Theory http://bit.ly/2L0msWM 77.Postdoc Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics http://bit.ly/2KZUP02 78.PhD position with specialization in genomics and bioinformatics http://bit.ly/2E5Bw44 79.PhD fellow in Human/Molecular Physiology http://bit.ly/2AYBk3t 80.Postdoctoral position on the role of cesarean section on gut microbiota, immunity, and development of allergy and asthma http://bit.ly/2GhegmD 81.TIGP Application Announcement for 2019 TIGP is now accepting applications for the 2019 fall semester. You are most welcomed to apply online (recommended) At https://tigp.apps.sinica.edu.tw/index.php or send the completed application package to TIGP Admissions Office by post before January 31, 2019. 82.55+ Funded PhD positions in different fields at Australian National University, Australia https://cecs.anu.edu.au/research/research-projects 83.Prof. needs Masters and PhD Candidates in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science; Memorial University, Canada http://www.engr.mun.ca/~weimin/index.html 84.A few PhD and some Post Doc positions at University of Helsinki, Finland https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions 85.Fully Funded PhD positions in different fields at TU Eindhoven, Netherlands https://jobs.tue.nl/en/vacancies.html#filter=p_type%3DSEARCH_RESULTS%26p_search%3D%26p_category_code_arr%3D6047-461661&page=1 86.Two phd positions in distributed systems and data science in our group at KTH: https://www.kth.se/en/om/work-at-kth/lediga-jobb/what:job/jobID:240574/where:4/ 87.Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cell Cycle Biology https://bit.ly/2qRNQNB 88. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Population Genomics https://bit.ly/2PAGJYt 89.PhD fellow in Science Education https://bit.ly/2QQT9Iw 90.Two PhD Positions - Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Starch Biosynthesis in Plants (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6658/pub/1/index.html 91.Full-time Postdoctoral Position - Cell Biology of Starch Biosynthesis in Plants (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6659/pub/1/index.html 92.Postdoc in in Cancer Bioinformatics in the Porse Group at the Finsen Laboratory/BRIC https://bit.ly/2S1mGiR 93.PhD Fellowship in Chromatin regulation and cancer biology https://bit.ly/2DKegJI 94.Postdoc in Nanoelectronics https://bit.ly/2DtRiW6 95.Postdoc position in experimental growth of marine phytoplankton https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6654/pub/1/index.html 96.Post-doctoral research fellow in vascular and exercise physiology https://bit.ly/2QNntnq 97.PhD positions in Computer Vision (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6652/pub/1/index.html 98.Ph.D. position in Mineralogy, petrology and tectonics https://bit.ly/2Fs2yoD 99.Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational Geometry https://bit.ly/2QcjRLv 100.PhD positions in Computer Vision (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6652/pub/1/index.html Best Regards, Hafiz ur Rahman www.hafiiz.weebly.com ********************************** Last week Post ~ 300 Positions *********************** PhD student in drug delivery https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/type:job/jobID:237054/?where=26 PhD Positions in Computational Biochemistry https://bit.ly/2DtDOJV PhD position in Analytical Chemistry https://bit.ly/2FvDH3f PhD fellow in Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants https://bit.ly/2Q0gB95 Postdoc - Food Colloids/Bacterial Pickering stabilization https://bit.ly/2zaZ8kw Postdoc - Food Microbiology/Bacterial Pickering stabilization https://bit.ly/2zhoLQV PhD Fellowship on Comparative Fungal Metabolomics https://bit.ly/2zgMZuy Postdoc in Post-transcriptional gene regulation in plants https://bit.ly/2QYQ4G8 Postdoc within Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition https://bit.ly/2DHLrxi Postdoctoral position in the genomic architecture of ash dieback resistance at Forest Genetics and Diversity group, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, and the Section for Evolutionary Genomics, Natural History Museum, Denmark https://bit.ly/2DuuDJa Ph.D. position in law (law & economics, intellectual property, privacy, law & tech, antitrust) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6686/pub/1/index.html Postdoc position in materials structure studies with focus on X-ray scattering and data analysis https://bit.ly/2DsVSUx PostDoc position in computational geophysics https://bit.ly/2zfRwx5 PhD position in experimental quantum information at the Center for Quantum Devices and Microsoft Quantum - Copenhagen https://bit.ly/2Fr2DZG PhD Student in MRI Methodology (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6681/pub/1/index.html Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Vision / Robotics / Machine Learning https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6678/pub/1/index.html PhD Position: Organizing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6671/pub/1/index.html PhD students in computational mechanics of materials https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6666/pub/1/index.html PhD Candidate on condition assessment of railway infrastructure (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6689/pub/1/index.html Postdoctoral positions in high-throughput mass spectrometry https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6694/pub/1/index.html Postdoctoral Position at The Center for Information and Bubble Studies (CIBS), University of Copenhagen https://bit.ly/2OMc716 Postdoctoral Researcher in Reinforcement Learning https://bit.ly/2Bdx5Ci PhD position in Computational Linguistics, focusing on Database Technologies for the Semantic Web https://bit.ly/2TjDkM2 Three year postdoc position at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen https://bit.ly/2QMJti6 PhD fellow in Landscape Architecture Design Method and Design Didactics https://bit.ly/2PABFDC PhD position within the field of persuasive design in eHealth https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/type:job/jobID:236641/?where=26 Postdoctoral position in Mediatized Diaspora https://bit.ly/2qSPHBD Postdoc Position at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen https://bit.ly/2Dvnkkr PhD fellowship in biology of polyphenol-protein adducts at Department of Biomedical Sciences https://bit.ly/2Q2gWrM Postdoctoral Researcher in Genomic Instability and Human Disease https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6690/pub/1/index.html PhD fellow in biogeochemical ocean modelling https://bit.ly/2OQxFtx Postdoctoral position at Center for Peptide-Based Antibiotics https://bit.ly/2PDmoC4 PhD fellowship in Science Education at Department of Pharmacy https://bit.ly/2BcQeV8 PhD student position in integrated regional energy planning for islands. Campus Gotland https://uu.varbi.com/en/what:job/type:job/jobID:237097/?where=26 PhD position in Infection Biology https://bit.ly/2Q7uan0 Postdoctoral position in Bioanalytical Chemistry https://bit.ly/2Q7RZLm Postdoc in Wound and Skin Infection Modelling https://bit.ly/2S0idwF Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in Biostatistics and Environmental Epidemiology https://bit.ly/2Bdy9pM Postdoctoral position in Bioanalytical Chemistry https://bit.ly/2Q7RZLm Postdoc in marine species distribution modelling (2 years) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6691/pub/1/index.html PhD scholarship at the Department of Political Science and iCourts, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) https://bit.ly/2DrQ65M PhD student position in curriculum studies focused on learning and teaching languages https://bit.ly/2QQ8Yiv Two (2) PhD student positions in Curriculum Studies https://bit.ly/2QSa9hB One (1) PhD student position in Sociology of Education title https://bit.ly/2DLgo3A PhD-student in Physics https://bit.ly/2QRREtD PhD fellow in quantum metrology https://bit.ly/2QTFws0 Vacant PhD scholarships at the Faculty of Law https://bit.ly/2QQ9qNJ PhD Position in Management and Organizations (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6672/pub/1/index.html Post Doc on integrating Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities in interdisciplinary projects (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6669/pub/1/index.html Two PhD Positions in Paleoclimate and carbon cycle https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6676/pub/1/index.html Post-doctoral Researcher in Public Finance https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6680/pub/1/index.html Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cell Cycle Biology https://bit.ly/2qRNQNB Postdoctoral Fellowship in Population Genomics https://bit.ly/2PAGJYt PhD fellow in Science Education https://bit.ly/2QQT9Iw Two PhD Positions - Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Starch Biosynthesis in Plants (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6658/pub/1/index.html Full-time Postdoctoral Position - Cell Biology of Starch Biosynthesis in Plants (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6659/pub/1/index.html Postdoc in in Cancer Bioinformatics in the Porse Group at the Finsen Laboratory/BRIC https://bit.ly/2S1mGiR PhD Fellowship in Chromatin regulation and cancer biology https://bit.ly/2DKegJI Postdoc in Nanoelectronics https://bit.ly/2DtRiW6 Postdoc position in experimental growth of marine phytoplankton https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6654/pub/1/index.html Post-doctoral research fellow in vascular and exercise physiology https://bit.ly/2QNntnq PhD positions in Computer Vision (100%) https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6652/pub/1/index.html Ph.D. position in Mineralogy, petrology and tectonics https://bit.ly/2Fs2yoD PhD fellowship at the Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen, Denmark https://bit.ly/2Dd4S0K Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational Geometry https://bit.ly/2QcjRLv Postdoc of Computational Astrophysics https://bit.ly/2JudAYS PhD Student in nanophysics and thermoelectricity https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1059/pub/1/index.html PhD student on Van der Waals heterostructures for vertical organic transistors https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1051/pub/1/index.html PhD student in nanopore confined resistive switches for neuro-morphic applications https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1021/pub/1/index.html PhD position on Chirped Pulse Amplification for Tabletop X-ray Laser https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1001/pub/10/index.html PhD position: "in vitro data implementation into Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)" https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1060/pub/1/index.html PhD Student in chemistry or material science https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1043/pub/4/index.html PhD student in analysis of ultra-trace levels of halogenated greenhouse gases https://apply.refline.ch/673276/0968/pub/10/index.html Postdoc on data-driven methods for building & district energy systems https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1052/pub/1/index.html Postdoc or Scientist in urban energy system modelling and optimization https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1053/pub/1/index.html PostDoc on Electrochemical deposition of metals https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1066/pub/1/index.html Scientist (experienced Post-Doc) in Soft Aerial Robotics https://apply.refline.ch/673276/1064/pub/1/index.html PhD Student in High-Resolution Climate Modeling https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6703/pub/1/index.html PhD student positions in empirical political economy https://apply.refline.ch/845721/6705/pub/1/index.html PhD position in electricity with focus on permanent magnet electric machines https://bit.ly/2Kl4rCb Postdoc in structure-based protein engineering of glucuronoyl esterases https://bit.ly/2OXjzqe Postdoc in Chromatin Replication in the Groth group at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC) https://bit.ly/2DxOrLY SEVERAL PHD POSITIONS IN ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING: HVDC GRIDS AND DECISION SUPPORT FOR GRID OPERATORS https://bit.ly/2Kn1JMO Post-doc position at KU Leuven/EnergyVille on decision support for grid operators https://bit.ly/2Fy1rUl 2 POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER TWENTE ROBOTICS https://bit.ly/2QW1dYt PDENG POSITION IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: DEVELOP A SYSTEMATIC RELIABLE PROCEDURE THAT VALIDATES THE PERFORMANCE OF A GROUND PENETRATING RADAR. https://bit.ly/2BpaPpj PDENG POSITION IN ENERGY & PROCESS TECHNOLOGY - DESIGN OF A WEB INTERFACE (APP) FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE CLOUD-COMPUTING SOFTWARE https://bit.ly/2Kq0Jri PHD POSITION - ADVANCED PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE OF MILITARY SYSTEM https://bit.ly/2qVJbdk PHD POSITION - SOFT MECHATRONICS https://bit.ly/2S4ybWJ PHD POSITION FOR A PROJECT ON: ”NETMNF: A NOVEL THERMOSIPHON-LIKE COOLING SYSTEM BASED ON MAGNETOCALORIC NANOFLUIDS” https://bit.ly/2KmqgkT PHD POSITION ON ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION https://bit.ly/2Bnrjyk PHD POSITION ON NANOSCALE THERMAL MANAGEMENT https://bit.ly/2DyoX14 PHD POSITION STABILITY AND WETTABILITY OF CALCIUM CARBONATES BY COMPLEX FLUIDS https://bit.ly/2TuW6QK PHD POSITION: 3D PRINTING OF ELASTOMERS https://bit.ly/2DBaEIQ PHD POSITION: EFFECT OF REAL ROUGHNESS ON THERMAL CONVECTION https://bit.ly/2D10amF PHD POSITION: LOW-POWER NEURAL NETWORK BASED OBJECT CLASSIFICATION AND TRACKING FOR VIDEO AND RADAR https://bit.ly/2Fw2AMo POST-DOC CANDIDATE POWER4FIT FOOT NWO https://bit.ly/2qWjEkn POST-DOC POSITION: SURFACE ENHANCED SPECTROSCOPY TO STUDY ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTIONS IN A MICROFLUIDIC CHIP https://bit.ly/2Fu4NYu POST-DOCTORAL POSITION SENSING/INDUSTRY https://bit.ly/2r5QSOx POSTDOC (3 YEARS) WORKING ON QUANTITATIVE PHOTOACOUSTIC IMAGING https://bit.ly/2DPjEew POSTDOC POSITION ON THE MERCEDES PROJECT ON MAXIMAL RELIABILITY OF CONCURRENT AND DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE https://bit.ly/2BpbZRF POSTDOC POSITION SOFT ROBOTICS: SOFT ACTUATION AND SENSING https://bit.ly/2QW1SsV POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE CELL BIOLOGY - AMYLOID TRANSMISSION https://bit.ly/2Q81nii POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER POSITION “NANOMATERIAL NETWORKS FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY” https://bit.ly/2DDBnEC Doctoral student position - Arctic sustainable cement (4 years) https://bit.ly/2zjr31M Doctoral student for Mobile Instrumentation and Wellbeing https://bit.ly/2DTlElY Postdoctoral researcher in psychology https://bit.ly/2A8FZj0 Doctoral student for 5G Edge Computing https://bit.ly/2Q91ZEs Doctoral student for 5G IoT-MEC integration https://bit.ly/2Q989nW Doctoral student for Biomedical Engineering https://bit.ly/2Qgxywc Postdoctoral Researcher - Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education https://bit.ly/2Bns4Yc Postdoctoral Researcher - Learning and Learning Processes https://bit.ly/2AcdeBO Postdoctoral Researcher - Teachers, Teaching and Educational Communities https://bit.ly/2RZNfoo PhD Research Fellows in ICT https://bit.ly/2DCo5sm PhD Research Fellow in Renewable Energy https://bit.ly/2DPRO1N PhD Research Fellow in Marine Molecular Ecology https://bit.ly/2qXrbiX Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Public Administration https://bit.ly/2DyO3wI PhD Research Fellow in digital transformation of healthcare services https://bit.ly/2S8qrmN PhD Research Fellow in digital transformation, Department of Information Systems https://bit.ly/2QceCyv PhD fellowship on the topic of "bullying and the learning environment in higher education" https://bit.ly/2A8TNtM Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT - Deep Learning for Chatbots https://bit.ly/2PFZoCl PhD Research Fellow in school development, evaluation, and assessment https://bit.ly/2DRxtct Two PhD Research Fellows in ICT https://bit.ly/2Qd0aGr Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT https://bit.ly/2TB4PB0 Two PhD Research Fellows in ICT http://bit.ly/2BnXAoV Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT http://bit.ly/2qZIRKR
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