Research Interests
Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Machine Learning
Journal Articles
Conference Proceedings
Journal Articles
- Hafiz urRahman, GuojunWang, Md Zakirul Alam, and Jianer Chen (n.d.). “In-network Generalized Trustworthy Data Collection for Event Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems”. In: PeerJ Computer Science, IF = 3.09, JCR Q1, May 4, 2021.
- Hafiz urRahman, Anwor Ullah and YulinWang (n.d.). “A Survey on Textto-Image, Text-to-Video, and Text-to-Sketch Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Network”. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, IF = 2.3, JCR Q1, April 10, 2021, Accepted (in press).
- Hafiz urRahmaan and Md Iftekhar Hussain (n.d.). “Fog-based Semantic Model for Supporting Interoperability in IoT”. In: IET Communications, IF = 2.0, JCR Q2, April 26, 2019
- Hafiz urRahmaan, Guojun Wang, Md Zakirul Alam, and Jianer Chen (n.d.). “Trustworthy and Protected data Collection in Sensor-Cloud System: The Case of Home Fire Event Monitoring”. In: Journal of Systems Architecture, IF = 2.5, JCR Q2, CCF-B
Conference Proceedings
- Hafiz urRahman, GuojunWang, Md Zakirul Alam, and Jianer Chen (2020). “Trustworthy Data Acquisition and Faulty Sensor Detection using Gray Code in Cyber-Physical System”. In: Proceedings of Springer, The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (IEEE CSE 2020). Guangzhou, China: Springer.
- Hafiz urRahman, GuojunWang, Md Zakirul Alam, and Jianer Chin (2019). “Trustworthy Data Collection for Cyber Systems: A Taxonomy and Future Directions”. In: iSCI-2019, The 7th International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI 2019). Guangzhou, China: Springer.
- Hafiz urRahman, GuojunWang, Md Zakirul Alam, and Jianer Chen (2019). “Towards In-network Generalized Trustworthy Data Collection for Trustworthy Cyber Physical Systems”. In: DependSys 2019, The 5th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2019). Guangzhou, China: Springer
- Abdul Majid, Hafiz urRahman, (Corespondence Author), Anwar Ullah, and Mehdi Gheisari (2019). “Student Performance Localization Using Android Smartphone”. In: Proceedings of MULTICON-W 2019, International Conference on Intelligent System and Communication Networks 2019) (IC-ISCN 2019). Mumbai, India: MULTICON.
- Anwar Ullahi, Xinguo Yu, Abdul Majid, and Hafiz urRahman (2019). “High-Resolution Realistic Image Synthesis from Text Using Iterative Generative Adversarial Network”. In: PSIVT 2019, The 9th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology PSIVT 2019. Sydney, Australia: Springer.
- Hafiz urRahman, GuojunWang, Jianer Chen, and Hai Jiang (2018). “Best Paper Award - Performance Evaluation of Hyper visors The Effect of Virtual CPU on Performance”. In: Proceedings of IEEE SmartWorld, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing UIC-2018-CCFC. Guangzhou, China: IEEE.
- Hafiz urRahman (2018). “Best Poster Award - Evaluating CPU Utilization in a Cloud Environment”. In: Asian Universities Alliance Postgraduate Academic Forum, Tisinghua University, Beijing, China, 2018). Beijing, China: Tisinghua University.
- Hafiz urRahman, Muhammad Arif and Valentina Emilia (2018). “Comparative Analysis of various Image Splicing Algorithms”. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications SOFA2018. Arad, Romania: Springer.
- Hafiz urRahman, Sadam Al-Azani and Emad Ramadan (2018). “A Survey of Modern Gene Expression based Techniques for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis”. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications SOFA-2018. Arad, Romania: Springer
- Hafiz urRahman, Farag Azzedin, Shawahna, and Faisal Sajjad (2016). “Performance evaluation of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Environment”. In: Sixth International Conference In Innovative Computing Technology (IN-TECH). Islamabad, Pakistan: IEEE.
- 6. Hafiz ur Rahman, "Evaluating CPU utilization in a Cloud Environment, " MS Thesis @ King Fahad Univeristy of Petroleum and Minerals, KSA
- 7. Hafiz ur Rahman, Islah Uddin, and Muhammad Ishaq, "Computerization of WAPDA University Towon II, KPK," BS Thesis @ University of Peshawar, Pakistan